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The Frog Prince Page 4

  “So, it was someone in your government who kidnapped me?” she asks absently as we make our way into the dark tunnels.

  “Believe me, Prett acted alone. I think he’s trying to start a war and cast the blame on our reigning monarchy—”

  “Whatever, I don’t care.” She brushes me off. “When you have an update on Justin Bieber let me know, otherwise keep all the alien stuff to yourself.”

  I frown at her words. Now I think I’ve been more than a good sport up until this point, but I’m growing tired of all this “alien” business. The way the princess talks is beginning to rub me the wrong way and I slow my pace. “I thought you had a bad attitude because of your kidnapping, but you’re out of your cage now, Princess, you can show me a little of that royal etiquette I know you’ve been taught.”

  The princess brings us to a halt. “And what would you know about royal etiquette?” she huffs, looking down her nose at me as if I were a commoner.

  “Seems I know more about it than you.” I advance on the woman, keeping my voice low so we don’t draw attention to ourselves.

  The princess holds her ground, crossing her arms over her chest defiantly. “Like I care. I already told you, I don’t give a damn about any of this. All I want is to go home.”

  “To your Justin Bieber.”

  “That’s right.” She smirks.

  “The man of your dreams? Is that what all this is about, getting back to an old flame?”

  “Now you’re getting it. You must be smarter than the average alien.” This time her jab causes me to growl and I press my face close to hers, trying to instill a healthy bit of fear into the brat. But the princess refuses be intimidated and soon we are standing nose to nose.

  “I’m smarter than you apparently. You’re so eager to get back to your man, but have you noticed the fact that in all these years he’s never come to your aid?”

  Her laughter at that is shrill and it makes me want to bend her over my knee and give her a good, hard spanking. Call me crazy, but I am expecting a little gratitude at this rescue. And hell, it isn’t even a rescue anymore. I’ve let this woman steal me…and why? All because of her haunting blue eyes? Because I know how jealous my brothers will be when they learn I spent time alone with the aloof princess?

  “Listen, Princess, if you aren’t careful someone’s going to teach you a lesson in manners—” I begin, wagging my finger at her.

  She rolls her eyes. “And let me guess, you think that person is going to be some grunt guard who gets off on blackmailing women in distress?”

  Though I’m angry I can’t help but laugh at that. “Never have I heard such hypocrisy! Besides, I seem to remember you being adamant about the fact that you weren’t in distress!” I realize a moment too late that our voices have become raised and I shoot my hand over the princess’s mouth in an effort to cut off her next jab. But it doesn’t deter her and she mumbles angrily against my palm, not conscious of her volume in the least.

  “Quiet!” I hiss, but it’s too late. In the distance I hear a shout echoing down the corridor. A second later, the princess and I jolt as a flash of light cuts past us. I cover her body with my own, pressing her hard against the stone wall. Beautiful, vibrant blue eyes meet mine for a quick second and I growl in frustration. They are haunting.

  “Sorry, but I’m going to need to borrow this,” I tell her, snatching the gun from her grip. With one hand, I fire down the hall and with the other I link fingers with the troublesome beauty. “Come on!” I yell and we begin running through the dark tunnel, heading toward the stairs.

  “Wait, wait, wait!” she shouts and hastily she kicks off her delicate heeled shoes, leaving them behind. Then, the sound of her bare feet and my booted ones echo as we make our escape. I send the princess up the stairs ahead of me and keep a steady stream of cover shooting behind us. The hall lights up.

  “Kethian! Come on!” she yells, her hand poised on the door leading outside. She’s waiting for me. Somehow I feel stupidly pleased at that, though she probably only waits so I can help her navigate the grounds of Prett’s castle. I’m further surprised however when I reach her side and she grabs my hand once more.

  Together we push the door open and step out into the moonlit gardens. For one bare second it’s beautiful out—but the silence of the night is shattered by the onslaught of more guards. Obviously they don’t know that Prett is likely already in custody and so they work to protect their master’s prize.

  I shoot my gaze to the path I snuck in on, but already it’s filled with Prett’s men, rushing to overtake us. So instead I scan our surroundings. Not far away, a copse of fruit trees catches my eye. I don’t know where they lead, but least they’ll provide some cover while I think of an alternative for escape.

  “This way,” I urge, pulling the princess along with me. I’m ever conscious of her bare feet, but she doesn’t seem so concerned. No, she keeps pace the entire time, regardless of how fast I run.

  When we get to a sheltered spot I press her against a tree and block her with my body once more. “Just a moment, I have a plan.”

  “It better be a good one,” she warns, casting furtive glances at the shadowy trees around us.

  “Even though it was hatched by an alien, I think it is pretty damned good. Of course I might not be the best judge—”

  “Hurry the fuck up, Kethian!” she growls and I laugh as I type a few harried commands into my personal comm. Seconds later I hear a whirring sound approaching us. It hums over the guards’ furious hunt. Not far away, the men are forcing their way through the thick branches surrounding us.

  “Kethian…” the princess breathes out fearfully. She clutches my shirt. Not too headstrong to know who her ally is then, I think smugly. Facing her, I wrap one arm tightly around her waist.

  “Hold on,” I tell her, my voice stern.


  “Now, Princess! Hold on!” I shout. Her arms shoot around my neck and she buries her face against my chest. Just then, one of my sentinel drones lowers itself above our heads and I reach up and grab onto it. It lifts us into the air.

  The princess gasps as our feet leave the ground and she grips me that much tighter. But I have her. I would never let her go.

  Looking down, I see the guards—too loud for their own good, spinning in the gardens, and searching for our tracks. It isn’t until we are high above them that someone has the wherewithal to look up. Flares of light fly past us as the guards open fire, but the drone takes protective measures and increases our speed, evading them.

  Not long after that we are beyond the boundaries of Prett’s home and swiftly heading toward my cloaked ship, hidden on a nearby rooftop.

  Chapter 8


  I’m still trembling when we land. Though we escaped with our lives, I’m having a hard time feeling happy over it.

  Kethian took his gun back. Now there’s no way I’m getting back to Earth. More likely Kethian will drop me off with the rulers of his world, where they’ll hold some massive, pomp and circumstance spectacle of a ceremony as they return me to the waiting arms of my mom and Vazrium. The thought makes me want to cry.

  For years I’ve wanted nothing more than to go back to Earth. I’ve imagined a thousand scenarios but never once did I think escape was something truly within my reach. But now that I’ve let myself consider it… I sigh. My heart breaks knowing that I missed my one opportunity. I won’t get another.

  Kethian decloaks his ship and I see him typing away at his personal comm. Probably letting the local monarchy know that he has a delivery for them. I can’t bring myself to look at him, or even to stare out at the landscape of his planet. If it isn’t Earth, I don’t care. It’s just another prison cell for me.

  Sometimes I feel like a doll. I’m kept in a tower in a castle, dressed in the finest gowns, given the most elaborate and fantastic accessories. But I’d gladly trade it all to be back in my bedroom on Earth, skimming through a Teen Cosmo magazine and eating popcorn
. I look down at my dirty and bare feet. It sparks a memory of my worn-in old Skechers that would light up when I walked, and even though I know I’m too old for them I still feel this sad sense of longing. It’s like my youth was stolen from me. Sure, I was taken to a castle and made into a princess. But believe me, it wasn’t a fair trade. All I want is my own life, my own normal life. Instead I’m forced to go through the motions of someone else’s. There’s a saying on Earth, money can’t buy happiness, and damn if it isn’t the truth.

  I’ve had private tutors, riding lessons, I’ve learned a dozen instruments and twice as many languages. But I don’t care. All I can think of are the things I’ve missed out on in life. I’ve never had what normal girls do. No first kiss. No prom. No high school or graduation. I never learned to drive a car. Never had a boy break my heart. And now that my Rasarit is around the corner I’m going to officially be on the market. And while I know my mom and Vazrium would never force me into a marriage, it just makes me sad that this next stage of life is beginning…in alien purgatory.

  I should be graduating college. Maybe I’d even have a serious boyfriend. Maybe he’d propose. Then one day, I would get married. I’d have kids and be on the PTA. But here in space…none of that will ever happen. I’ll stay in my tower until I wither away into nothing. And my life will be wasted. All so my mom didn’t have to feel guilty about leaving me behind. She travelled thousands of light years to get me and still…I can’t shake the feeling that I was left behind regardless.

  But no one gets it. I’m a princess. What do I have to complain about?

  Kethian clears his throat, but I still can’t bring myself to look at him. Instead I hug my bare arms and stare at my dirty feet.

  “Let’s get out of here, eh?” he says quietly, reading the heaviness of my mood.

  I briefly contemplate jumping off the roof instead, but it’s in vain. I know I couldn’t. My fate is the tower back on Tevera.

  I square my shoulders and keep my head held high as I silently make my way to his ship. But before I step onto the ramp, Kethian’s calloused hand touches my arm. He’s gentle and cautious, despite the fact that he comes off so brazen and cocky. So finally, I look up at him.

  “Here,” he says, holding his hand out to me. In it is the gun.

  “What’s this?” I question, frowning down at his offering in confusion.

  “I only meant to borrow it. Plus, I figure you still need it to kidnap me.”

  There’s a lump in my throat and I choke on a heavy sob. “You’re still going to take me?” I ask, hardly daring to believe it. “I don’t understand. Why?”

  He wipes an errant tear from my cheek and shrugs. “I’m a sucker for a damsel in distress.”

  Laughter bubbles out of me and I launch myself at Kethian, hugging him tightly and pressing my cheek to his chest. His muscled arms are heavy and comforting around my shoulders and he laughs too. “There’s the gratitude I was waiting for.”

  “Thank you, Kethian! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I tell him, bouncing on my toes. “For the past nine years this is the only thing I’ve wanted. I don’t know why you’re helping me, but I’ve never been more grateful for anything in my entire life.”

  That cocky smirk returns to his face and he gives me a smoky look. “Perhaps this is a good time to try and bargain for that kiss again?”

  “I’ll just take the gun, thanks!” I squeal happily, snatching the weapon and racing up the ramp.

  Chapter 9


  I don’t know what I’m thinking offering to take this princess to a protected planet. I do know that her warrior father will rage when he finds out what I’ve done. Hell, maybe we will have a war with the Teveran after all.

  Still, I’m finding that I can deny this female nothing. Something about her simply speaks to me. It’s more than just her exotic beauty—though I’m sure that’s what most people notice when they first gaze upon her. But I find that I enjoy her bold-faced determination and her complete lack of interest in her status as a royal. Most women I come across are so meek and polite, desperate to marry themselves off to a prince. Maybe part of what I like about her is the fact that she doesn’t take me for royalty. She sees me only for the man that I am and not for my status. Not that she’s shown any particular interest of course. Sure, there might have been a stolen glance or two when I was opening her cage back in Prett’s dungeon. But other than that, she’s more in love with her desire to return to her home world than she is with me.

  There’s a competitive streak in me that takes that as a challenge. A woman like the princess doesn’t toss her attention around freely. No, if I want her to notice me I actually have to prove myself as worthy. It’s not something a prince is used to doing and I find myself excited at the prospect. The fact that she claims to despise everything that is “alien” only makes my endeavor that much more formidable.

  Besides, adventure runs in my blood and what could be more adventurous than letting this beauty kidnap me and take me to her forbidden world? I chuckle at the thought.

  Once in interstellar space I set up the comm for recording and summon the princess to the captain’s seat. She wears a blanket around her shoulders and she tucks her feet up under the cover when she sits.

  “What am I supposed to say?” she asks with a frown.

  “You don’t seem eager to let your parents know you’re safe,” I point out.

  She sighs heavily, but keeps her eyes locked on me. Already I notice a difference in her since Prett’s dungeon. Really, it was since the rooftop…when I gave the gun back. It’s like I extracted her from the dungeon, but I didn’t truly save her until I offered to take her home.

  “I’m a chicken, aren’t I?” she asks.

  I chuckle, shaking my head. “I do not know what a chicken is.”

  “A coward,” she supplies.

  “Oh, I doubt that.”

  “I wanted to avoid having this conversation with them. My mom…she’s really going to be hurt. I don’t like thinking about it.” The princess chews thoughtfully on her bottom lip.

  “And your father?”

  “Vazrium isn’t my father,” she huffs. But there’s no malice toward me in her tone, only frustration that seems to be directed at her parents.

  “Whatever you wish to call him, you are his daughter and he’ll be angry that you’ve decided to leave the safety of his world.”

  “And if I spent all my time caring about their feelings when would my life begin?” she asks.

  “I’m sure your parents don’t wish for you to put your life on hold. That’s why they host your Rasarit. So your life can begin.”

  “Or maybe it’s just another shiny bauble they’re trying to offer in exchange for the life they stole.”

  I drop down in the seat next to hers and use my foot to angle her chair towards mine. “That’s a funny thing for a princess to say. Especially you. From what I understand you have something of a reputation.”

  The princess stiffens in her seat. “A reputation?” she asks with a frown. Suddenly I feel like I put my foot in my mouth. I had assumed she was familiar with the things people say about her, but perhaps that is not the case.

  “How about we start that recording now?” I suggest.

  “No, wait. What do you mean reputation?” she asks again, her smooth little brow furrowing unhappily. I rake my hand over my face.

  “Forget it, Princess. People talk, it doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Why the hell are you pulling punches, Kethian? I don’t recall you pussyfooting around when you took me from that dungeon, why start now?”

  “Pussyfooting?” I scoff. “Now I really have no idea what that means.”

  “Kethian!” she demands and I sigh.

  “Promise you will not be upset.”

  “I’ll do no such thing,” she huffs and I have to laugh a little at that.

  “Fine. You simply have a bit of a reputation for being spoiled. There are worse reputations to hav
e, believe me.”

  The Princess snorts and looks shocked as she takes in the information. I worry that I've hurt her feelings, so I hurry to gloss over things.

  “It’s probably only said because there’s so little else to talk about. From what I hear you hardly ever make appearances in society. I mean, I can probably count on one hand the times I’ve seen your picture in the entertainment vids.”

  “The tabloids.” She frowns. “Anyway, just because my mom and Vazrium buy me everything doesn’t mean I’m spoiled,” she explains.

  I’m silent and she looks over, waiting for me to agree. When I don’t she kicks at my chair. “I’m not spoiled!” she insists. “I don’t ask them for anything. Yet all they do is bring me gifts I don’t want. Most of that stuff gets donated to charities anyway. I never even see it again.”

  “Hence the reputation. People think you are difficult to satisfy.”

  “Hah. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.”

  I chuckle in response. “I don’t know if I can believe that.”

  “Whatever, believe what you hear in the tabloids then and I’ll be over here craving a Hot Pocket.”

  “Is that some kind of sexual reference? Because that’s a craving I think I might be able to help you satisfy. And I’d be happy to spoil you when it comes to such things,” I tease, but the princess turns a deep shade of red and her eyes go wide.

  “No! It’s food. Like a bad synth sandwich or something.” And suddenly she’s averting her gaze again. I realize I’ve embarrassed her…or perhaps I’ve made her uncomfortable. She is a lone female on my ship and I am hardly more than a stranger to her.

  “I meant that as a joke, Princess, but it was probably a bad one. I am your protector on this journey, nothing more,” I assure her. “How about we record that message now?”

  “I still don’t know what to say,” she tells me, her color slowly returning to normal.

  I rub my chin for a moment. “Think about what a parent might like to hear.”